Monday, January 30, 2012


Visual Art Exhibition Group Asia Raya
Museum H. Widayat
29 January - 12 February 2012

Poetry reading by Buyung Mentari

Audiences are fascinated by the exciting poetry reading, included Oei Hong Djien (OHD) the man wearing glasses in blue shirt.

Rahmat Bastian (seating, wearing glasses) owner of Galeri Apik and Fajar Purnomo Sidi (Pungki) the Director of Museum H. Widayat.

Art performance by Sharon Stones.

Speech by exhibition participants (Asia Raya).

Tumbuh Dalam Tidur Panjang (Growing in a Long Sleep) by Tri Suharyanto.

Tong Setan (The Devil Vat) by Aris Munandar.

Me (left) and the chairman of Asia Raya (right).

Paintings: Time is Money by Imron Safii (far left), Sawergading Pamit Ke Negeri China by Mustazam Kamil (far middle), Pohon Burung dan Aku by Nurfuad (far right).
Sculptures: Persimpangan Hitam by Joko Supriyono (behind) and Smile by Ismanto (front)

Exhibitions atmosphere, exhibited artworks in a large museum space.