Thursday, April 25, 2013


Group Exhibition Komunitas ? apa
Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta
16 - 24 April 2013

 Artworks by Abdul Rohman (Ragile): Goo Green, 2013, Acrylic on canvas, 150x120 cm (left) and 
Gotong Royong dalam Partai, 2013, Acrylic on canvas, 120x150 cm.

 Artwork by Tri Bakdo Sulistiono: Goro - Goro, 2012, Oil on canvas, 150x200 cm.

 Artwork by Mukaror: Flay #2, 2012, Oil on canvas, 200x120 cm 
(Note: I don't understand the title Flay... might be wrong printing of the word 'Fly').

 Artwork by Al Manaf: Proses, 2012, Oil on canvas, 190x125 cm.

 Artwork by Lisinatra: Penghamba Uang #2, 2012, Oil on canvas, 120x150 cm.

 I forgot to take a look of the painting's caption, the artwork was exhibited 
but not printed on the exhibition catalog.

Artwork by Bambang Kucir: Ornamen Tiga, 2011, Mix media, 145x390 cm.

 Artworks by Bambang Kucir: Fantasi #1, 2012, Batik material on cotton, 125x100 cm and Fantasi #2, 2012, Batik material on cotton, 125x100 cm (No. 1 & 2 from left); 
Artwork by Mukaror: Formalin, 2011, Oil on canvas, 90x140 cm (No. 3 from left); 
Artwork by Lisinatra: The Power, 2012, Oil on canvas 140x225 cm.

 Yustin Aristides Satyo posed in front of Mukaror's painting.

 Artwork by Al Manaf: Help, 2013, Oil on canvas, 140x200 cm (No. 1 from left) and 
artworks by Abdul Rohman (No. 2 & 3 from left).

Artwork by Tri Bakdo Sulistiono: Menari di Padang Gersang, 2011, Oil on canvas, 150x200 cm.

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